Last Sunday, on Mother's Day of all days, my dear friend and playmate Nancy Joseph passed away. On Friday, we had just been emailing each other back and forth trying to decide which digital scrap booking tutorial videos we would buy. I printed out her last three emails she sent me, so that I would never forget the last bit of fun we had together. She collapsed at home and was taken to the local hospital where I joined Ted, her companion of twenty plus years, while we waited for the staff to find her a bed in either Albuquerque or Las Cruces. Ted told me to go home, and he would call me when he knew where they were taking her. She was not conscious, but on life support. Ted called at ten to say she was being taken to Albuquerque. I had several conversations with her daughter Sharon on Saturday and none of the news was good. On Sunday with her three children there, she left us to go on without her wit and engaging smile. All of the genealogy society and many many friends and neighbors along with her family tearfully celebrated her life on Wednesday afternoon. I have included some pictures of Nancy. One was of the local scrap booking club get-together; another of Nancy taking pictures of me at a genealogy meeting we went to at a museum south of Socorro; the other is of her and Ted Christmas Day at my house.