Saturday, March 26, 2011

Time for Birding


I guess I’m more of a photographer than a birder. I’ve sent these pictures to my friend Brock, because I can’t identify this one bird or the gray baby bird. The books describe birding as relaxing, and it certainly is that. I went for my three mile walk early this morning, but I found my “mystery” bird down by the Rio Grande in one of my favorite weekend camping spots: more walking. That’s good.  As a testimony to the beauty of the spot, there were a lot of campers and fishermen down there. I didn’t take their pictures. This guy is a red house finch. He was eyeing the birdfeeder in my backyard.

I know, three pictures of the same bird is ridiculous, but he wouldn’t quit posing.

This guy is so cool, but it wasn’t easy holding the camera steady for these pictures.

This is clearly a baby bird. He is so sweet. He obviously doesn’t have his markings yet.

Here’s my red bird house which is outside the window to  my office. I haven’t seen a single bird approach it. They absolutely destroyed last year’s feeder. Maybe they don’t like the red.

I’m continuing watering bushes and roses. I guess I’ll get into pruning and fertilizing this coming week. The weather is great except when it gets “breezy”, but I’m a native; I know how to work around that.

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