Monday, July 21, 2008

Really Great Weekend

I honestly don't know why I have two blogs; however, this one has been sorely neglected. Marty and Sue and I had a wonderful time on the lake this weekend.

Sunday the skyscapes were magnificent, but we neglected to bring a camera. And then, while we were exploring coves and canyons, we found some young people who were extreme mountain-biking off of the cliffs. It was quite a treat, and then they gave up because they ran out of memory in their camera, and we felt like we needed to explore some other places. Susie took a picture with her cell phone, and we do know where that spot is. I guess what we thought we were doing was going back to "Burgers & Buns." I think Marty was hungry. We all had fun driving the boat, but ended up at Lost Canyon playing in the water and telling lies.

Saturday, Annette cut Sue's hair while Marty and I sat in the bar and talked to Eddie and Mo. The happenings with the water board are very interesting, and Eddie agrees with all my theories. I'm so glad that is behind me: what an education. Mo and Eddie confirmed that Patch Roses' brain cancer is back. I feel so bad for him; he is so young.

Then we went to The Club for dinner and Mariah Heschler ran into me in the lobby and had to tell me about everything. She has three wonderful boys. She is the size of a peanut and her husband is a giant. She is teaching south of Las Cruces where she lives and had a huge camera around her neck that could have knocked her over. Plus, it was her 10th class reunion and she wanted me to come. Sarah Stagner was in that class and she came by our table telling us about her American Idol try-out. We all ordered Fish & Chips and it was very good.

Well, today it's Monday and it's another round of wonderful living. Thank you, God.

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