Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Photography School

Yesterday evening, I traded salad and home-made bread for some photography lessons. A new work camper couple Skip and Marge came over to the house with all of Skip's equipment. I was overwhelmed; however, he is a professional photographer. I was just so pleased that he would take the time to share his wealth of information and help me decide which new camera I should buy. Marge is like me: if it looks good through the viewfinder, push the button. Skip laughed and said that sometimes she takes better pictures than he does. Well, if it weren't for dumb luck (and perhaps an artistic eye), we wouldn't have any (luck or pictures?). When we weren't paying attention, Noah knocked the freshly baked bread off the table and broke the plate. Not to worry. I've been looking for a good excuse to get new dishes; however, we did have to pick up the sharp slivers so the dogs wouldn't try to lick them up. When we thought we had exhausted all camera discussions, and Marge and Skip were getting ready to leave, he noticed an ad for an entirely different type of camera that he thought I would be particularly pleased with, and it's half the price of the SLR. To Skip's chagrin, Marge liked it also. I guess I'll have to make a trip to Las Cruces to touch it and feel it. I'm still waiting for Paula to get back from her vacation May 1, so I can look at her camera. After that I should pretty well have made up my mind. My friend Deb is in the dog house, because she didn't make it over for the lesson and fun time. She's in the market for a new camera also. There are pictures to prove that we had a good time.

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